(click on citations below for hyperlinks to articles)
Bourdon, David. “Cosmic Ray.” Art in America 83 (October 1995).
Ebony, David. “Ray Johnson, from The Paper Snake to Shelley Duvall.” New Observations 106 (May-June 1995).
Gablik, Suzi. “700 Collages by Ray Johnson.” Location (Summer 1964).
Gablik, Suzi & John Russell, editors. Pop Art Redefined. New York: Praeger (1969).
Higgins, Hannah B. “Love’s Labor’s Lost and Found: A Meditation on Fluxus, Family, and Somethings Else.” Art Journal vol. 69 no.1/2 (Spring-Summer 2010)
Johnson, Ray with Sevim Feschi. Oral history interview conducted 17 April 1968. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.
Johnson, Ray with Randy Delbeke & Diane Spodarek. “Ray Johnson Interview.” Detroit Artists Monthly 3 (February 1978).
Phillpot, Clive. “The Mailed Art of Ray Johnson.” In Eternal Network: A Mail Art Anthology, Calgary, Alberta: University of Calgary Press (1995), Chuck Welch, editor.
Phillpot, Clive with Elizabeth Zuba. “Human Collage, Mail Art, and Punning with the Nothing Master.” Bomb magazine (31 July 2014).
Thomson, Julie J. “The Art of Graphic Design: Lustig, Albers, Johnson, and the 1945 Summer Session,” Journal of Black Mountain College Studies, 6 (Summer 2014).
Thomson, Julie J. “To Dick from Ray: Dick Higgins’s Something Else Press, Ray Johnson, and The Paper Snake.” “Something Else Entirely” exhibition brochure, Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center (summer 2015) http://www.blackmountainstudiesjournal.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/papersnakebrochure.pdf
Wilson, William S. “Ray Johnson: NY Correspondance School.” Art and Artists, 1 (April 1966).
[Author not named].“Four Artists in a ‘Mansion.’” Harper’s Bazaar (May 1952)—on housemates John Cage, Morton Feldman, Ray Johnson, Richard Lippold.