Volume 9: Archives and Histories

Editors' Note

Welcome to the RE/START of the Journal of Black Mountain College Studies! We are very pleased to present this first volume in several years, re/suming our collective efforts to explore the college and its living heritage through scholarship, poetry, interview, memoir, reflection, and the arts. BMC was a collaborative, innovative, diverse community, working across boundaries of discipline and form, and we seek to re/present in digital form the vibrant community that is carrying the BMC heritage and spirit into the 21st century.

Volume 9 captures our aspirations for a journal that re/flects this community of interest and engages contemporary audiences. Not only do we have an outstanding array of authors and artists whose work is consistently interdisciplinary, creative, and insightful. Across these pages we encounter the spirit of discovery, invention, whimsy, and passion that so pervaded Black Mountain College.

So enjoy! And consider submitting your own contribution to future volumes. We are eager to publish the next volume by end of summer, so please send us an abstract or sample of what you would like to submit. We will reply as quickly as possible with our ideas and suggestions on how to proceed.

Thomas E. Frank + Julie J. Thomson, Co-Editors (journalbmcstudies@gmail.com


Table of Contents

Thomas E. Frank + Julie J Thomson, Co-Editors
Kate Averett, Production Editor

May 2019

Essay: Grace Note by Nicholas (Nick) Cords for Brooklyn Rider
Article: “All That Is Lovely in Jazz”: The Creeley Rice Collaboration for Jargon 10 by Joseph Pizza
Artwork: “Faith, Hope, and $5,000” (cut-outs, collage, and acrylic on found book pages) by Kirsten Stolle
Poetry: “it all melts down to this: a novel in timelines” (chapter 10) by ben miller, inspired by the drawings of dale williams
Artwork: Lake Eden (photographs) by Lisa McCarty
Interview: ACTIVE ARCHIVE, a conversation with Heather South
Article: “It Wouldn’t Have Been Like a History”: M. C. Richards’s Black Mountain by Mabel Capability Taylor
Poetry: “A poem from the wall of the Blue Ridge Assembly” by Tyler Laminack