Cynthia Homire, “Untitled (I got this idea from Philip Guston…years & years of struggle for a few moments of grace),” 1993. Watercolor on paper. Collection of Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center. Gift of the Artist.
Cynthia Homire (Student 1950-1953) (b.1931-d.2019)
Cynthia Homire received a progressive education at the Windsor Mountain School in Lenox, Massachusetts where she first heard about Black Mountain College. She was attracted to the college and encouraged by professor Si Sillman, who had studied at BMC in the late 1940s. When Homire enrolled in 1950 she was disappointed to learn that Josef and Anni Albers had recently left, but she soon fostered connections with Charles Olson, Robert Creeley, and in particular M.C. Richards. She honed her writing and drawing skills and discovered a love for pottery, working with Black Mountain potters David Weinrib and Karen Karnes. Homire enjoyed the adventurous spirit of the college and remained through 1953.
A decade later Homire reunited with and married fellow Black Mountain student Jorge Fick and the pair settled in New Mexico where they contributed to the growing art scene. Homire made pots, drew, and wrote poems throughout her life, always maintaining a playful and adventurous Black Mountain spirit.
Also featured in Question Everything! The Women of Black Mountain College