The Journal of Black Mountain Studies, a multidisciplinary open-access digital publication of Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center, is seeking submissions for a special topics issue on the history and legacy of Queer life at Black Mountain College.

In his 1972 memoir, Black Mountain Days, Michael Rumaker recalls one of the first things that he ever heard about Black Mountain College. His friend, Mary Reed, called the college, “…a hotbed of communists and homosexuals.” Very little care and dedication have been devoted to the subject of Queerness in relation to the college, but it was indeed a hotbed for people exploring non-heteronormative relationships and expressions of gender. Across America, during the time that Black Mountain was open, organizations and activist groups of Queer people were establishing themselves, taking Queer issues to court, and challenging normative ideas of love and desire. The same can be said for the same-sex relationships that were happening in and after the active life of Black Mountain College. As we continue to broaden our understanding of the college and its legacy, it is paramount that a focus is put on understanding the dynamics of Queer love and relationships at the college, what they meant, and how they changed the course of art history forever.

The Journal is seeking submissions of writing/poetry, photography, visual art, sound, video, and literary reviews for this long overdue and upcoming volume to be published in Spring 2023. This volume is guest edited by Ant M Lobo-Ladd: a curator, artist, and writer whose research and writing practice is dedicated to understanding and bringing light to Black Mountain’s Queer history.

Abstract submissions are welcome until November 30, 2022, and contributors are encouraged to submit earlier if possible. Please submit an abstract and projected date for completion before submitting a full article or creative work. Final, revised versions of all contributions will be due by February 1, 2023. The anticipated publication date of Volume 14 will be May 31, 2023.

Send all materials as email attachments to and with the subject line “JBMCS Volume 14 submission.”

At this time we are only able to accept written contributions in English. We encourage you to limit your use of discipline-specific jargon.

The review process will follow standards applicable to the work submitted. For written works we recommend not exceeding 7,000 words. Please submit text in Microsoft Word. Images should be sized appropriately for Web display and include captions or identifying information.

Contributors are responsible for obtaining high-resolution images, and for acquiring any permissions that are needed for any images or written material (i.e. poems, excerpts from unpublished texts) covered by copyright, including paying any associated fees for use. Authors may consult with the editors about what permissions are required and the process of receiving those permissions before submitting an article or creative work. The editors can provide resources for the permission process.

Citations should normally follow the Chicago Manual of Style. For discipline-specific submission and formatting guidelines, see the Journal Formatting Guide.

Copyright for each work published is held by the respective author. The journal does not ask for notice from the author for further publication but does require annotated credit as the location of first publication. Works published previously may be submitted; please contact the editors to discuss copyright. The selection and arrangement of works in each issue is copyright Journal of Black Mountain College Studies and The Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center.


Contact Info:

E-mail Ant M Lobo-Ladd, JBMCS Guest Editor, at & Thomas E. Frank and Carissa Pfeiffer, JBMCS Co-Editors, at


Contact Email: and