2025 {Re}HAPPENING Call for Proposals
Proposals Due March 5th, 2025

Images (Left to Right): The Rhizomatic Collective Unconscious Dreamcatcher by Cilla Vee Life Arts. Photo © David Gwaltney. | Bucky’s Specter by Michael Webster. Photo © Neeta Kepchar. | Technogenesis by Eric Mullis, Madeline Badgett, Taylor Railton, and Mikaela Laxton. Photo © Michael Oppenheim. | Color Theory Guard by Swannatopia. Photo © Michael Oppenheim.
Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center announces an opportunity for artists to participate in the 2025 {Re}HAPPENING on Saturday, May 3rd at Camp Rockmont in Black Mountain, NC, the former Lake Eden campus of Black Mountain College.
We invite artists to propose projects that reflect the innovative spirit of Black Mountain College. Artists are encouraged to take risks and demonstrate elements of process, experimentation, and collaboration. Projects can be durational or scheduled and can be sited indoors or outdoors.
ARTISTS OF ALL GENRES AND DISCIPLINES are encouraged to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI). The LOI should be a brief one-page outline that describes the project, including participating artists, and articulates how the project connects to the Black Mountain College legacy. Please format your LOI as a PDF or Word Document.
Successful LOIs will:
+ Convey the visual and/or multi-sensory impact of the work
+ Utilize installation components to immerse visitors
+ Articulate conceptual resonances with the legacy of BMC
+ Incorporate visual or auditory work samples
+ Take into consideration our “leave-no-trace” installation policy
To submit your LOI, please fill out the {Re}HAPPENING Project Proposal Form. The form will ask for logistical information about your project and your contact information. You will also be asked to attach your LOI along with any visual or audio documentation you wish to provide. Please note that you will be prompted to sign into a Google account using your email address. This enables us to automatically send you a copy of your responses after submission. The submission deadline is March 5th, 2025.
Notification will be sent by March 13th, 2025. Questions? Email us at info@blackmountaincollege.org.
To see previous examples of projects, visit blackmountaincollege.org/rehappening
Since 2010, BMCM+AC has hosted the {Re}HAPPENING inspired by John Cage and David Tudor’s 1952 Theatre Piece No. 1, an unscripted performance considered by many to be the first Happening in North America.
Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center (BMCM+AC) was founded in 1993 to celebrate the history of Black Mountain College as a forerunner in progressive interdisciplinary education and its impact on modern and contemporary art, dance, theater, music, and performance.